Front & backend validation using the same script

I’ve been creating web-app’s for ages. And what’s been annoying me for quite a while, is that – due to the client/server separation – i end up duplicating a lot of client-side validation-logic on the server-side.

Now, as for solutions to this counter-intuitive phenomonem, i’ve encountered and implemented all of the below:

  1. None, or sloppy server-side validations are written.
    Those lazy, or unable to know something’s wrong or without a sense of urgency (security or usability aspects) will probably delay finding a solution, and end up writing no or proper validations on either one of the sides.
  2. Microservices-like backend validation.
    A proper solution, but one with a lot of communication overhead limiting realtime validation.
  3. Statefull “External Data Source” approach.
    An approach where the server keeps a live model and dictates the client what valid values are. Limited as it is statefull.

But one thing i never thought of, is to share exact the same code, both front-end and backend. But today, i saw the opportunity to do so while working on a greenfeeld side-project.

The solution

The solution is to write all validation code in Javascript, and share the script both client & serverside. The requirement that follows is that your (server-side) data-model should be representable in JSON. And that JSON should be the model for your client-side code.

A sample project could be as fllows:

  • Java
    • model
        e.g. a JPA annotated POJO that has been setup to serialize to JSON usable as front-end-model.
    • restapi
        an interface providing the UserProfile JSON and business logic
    • validation
        Containing Javascript ‘javax.script.ScriptEngine’ that exposes a validate(functionName, BusinessObject…) function
  • Web
    • sharedJS
      • UserProfileValidation.js
        That contains a function to validate a UserProfile Javascript Object.
    • Index.html
      A webpage to show and manipulate UserProfiles. It makes use of the UserProfileValidation.js to check if everything is correct.

The flow:

  1. The index.html invokes the restapi and retrieves a JSON representing a specific UserProfile.
  2. Upon client-side manipulation the’new’ JSON is validated real-time using the functions in the UseProfileValidation.js.
  3. Eventually the client sends back any manipulations back to the restapi, which constructs an update UserProfile.
  4. When JPA wants to persist the entity, it asks the Validator to validate.
  5. The validator constructs a JavascriptEngine, injects the UserProfile as JavascriptObject(using JSON), and validates using the UserProfileValidation
  6. Upon failure to validate, rolls-back the transaction.



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